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Full list of data that you getting from our service:

Data from SemRush
SemRush Domain (sr_domain) - domain that was taken by SemRush from url for analysis.
SemRush Rank (sr_rank) - rank of domain according to SemRush.
SemRush Keywords number (sr_kwords) - number of keywords where site in Google's organic search top 100.
SemRush Traffic (sr_traffic) - number of users expected to visit the website during the following month.
SemRush Costs (sr_costs) - estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords.
SemRush URL Links number (sr_ulinks) - number of links to URL according to SemRush.
SemRush HOSTNAME Links number (sr_hlinks) - number of links to SemRush subdomain
SemRush DOMAIN Links number (sr_dlinks) - number of links to SemRush root domain.

Data from Majestic (temporarily suspended)
Status - "Found" or "NotFound" or "unknown", found or notfound are statuses of url in Majestic system, unknown mean that our service failed to get data from Majestic.
External Backlinks (EBL) - number of external backlinks to current URL
External Backlinks EDU (EBL_EDU) - number of external backlinks from .EDU websites
External Backlinks GOV (EBL_GOV) - number of external backlinks from .GOV websites
Referring Domains (RefD) - number of websites that refering to link
Referring Domains EDU (RefD_EDU) - number of .EDU websites that refering to link
Referring Domains GOV (RefD_GOV) - number of .GOV websites that refering to link
IP Addresses (IPS) - number, IP addresses which hosts at least one website that referring to url or domain.
Class C Subnets (CCS) - number, C Subnets which hosts at least one website that referring to url or domain.
Trust Flow (TF) - number, it displaying how trustworthy a page is based on how trustworthy sites tend to link to trustworthy neighbors.
Citation Flow (CF) - number, it displaying how influential a URL might be based on how many sites link to it.
Topical Trust Flow Topic 0 (TTFT0) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 0 (TTFV0) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 0
Topical Trust Flow Topic 1 (TTFT1) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 1 (TTFV1) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 1
Topical Trust Flow Topic 2 (TTFT2) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 2 (TTFV2) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 2
Topical Trust Flow Topic 3 (TTFT3) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 3 (TTFV3) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 3
Topical Trust Flow Topic 4 (TTFT4) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 4 (TTFV4) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 4
Topical Trust Flow Topic 5 (TTFT5) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 5 (TTFV5) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 5
Topical Trust Flow Topic 6 (TTFT6) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 6 (TTFV6) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 6
Topical Trust Flow Topic 7 (TTFT7) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 7 (TTFV7) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 7
Topical Trust Flow Topic 8 (TTFT8) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 8 (TTFV8) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 8
Topical Trust Flow Topic 9 (TTFT9) - name of category that linked with website
Topical Trust Flow Value 9 (TTFV9) - number, value of Topical Trust Flow Topic 9

** Topical Trust Flow Topic 2-9 and Topical Trust Flow Value 2-9 are not accessible through list checker, please use bulk checker or API.

Data from
FB comments (fb_comments) - number of comments that related to URL on Facebook
FB shares (fb_shares) - how many times page was shared on Facebook
FB reactions (fb_reac) - number of reactions that related to URL on Facebook

Data from Ahrefs (beta testing)
Ahrefs Status (ahrefs_rank) - there are: "bad_url", "no_data", "not_found", "found" or empty (in case if our service failed to get any data)
Ahrefs Rank (ahrefs_rank) - number or empty, rank of url in ahrefs
Domain Rating (ahrefs_dr) - number or empty, rating of domain in ahrefs
External Backlinks (ahrefs_eb) - number or empty, total amount of extrenal backlinks
Referring Domains (ahrefs_rd) - number or empty, total amount of domains that refers to url
Dofollow Backlinks (ahrefs_dofollow) - number or empty, total amount of dofollow backlinks
Referring IPs (ahrefs_ips) - number or empty, total amount of IPs that refers url
Get data from Moz, SemRush, Facebook, Ahrefs and Majestic in one easy step!
Lastest news:
1 Jun 2024: We added invoices for crypto payments on
30 May 2024: Dashboard, list processing tool, bulk processing tool, api processing were updated.
8 Apr 2024: MOZ processing was stopped
1 Apr 2024: IMPORTANT! MOZ metric keeps working, but can be turned off at any moment.
21 Mar 2024: IMPORTANT! MOZ processing will be unavailable after 31.03.2024.
8 Jan 2024: Starting from 15.02.2024 we will accept only Bitcoin and Litecoin payments
3 Jan 2024: Litecoin was added to payment methods.
8 Oct 2022: Price for MOZ processing is 35 USD per 100k.
3 Oct 2022: Starting from 8 of Oct price for MOZ processing will be increased, and will be 35 USD per 100k.
6 Sep 2022: Ahrefs processing was restored. It will take a time to process files in queue.
2 May 2022: Alexa metrics was shutdown by Alexa company. This service will not be accessible anymore.
8 Jan 2022: Majestic processing temporarily suspended. Processing will be restored when Majestic will become more popular on our service.
16 Dec 2021: We Alexa processing is fixed. Price for MOZ processing was decreased to 20%. Majestic processing will be temporarily stopped from 7 Jan 2022. Majestic processing will work like usually until this date, so please process all urls before suspend. Processing will be restored when Majestic will become more popular on our service.
16 Dec 2021: We Alexa processing is fixed. Price for MOZ processing was decreased to 20%. Majestic processing will be temporarily stopped from 7 Jan 2022. Majestic processing will work like usually until this date, so please process all urls before suspend. Processing will be restored when Majestic will become more popular on our service.
2 Sep 2020: Decreased percent of "unknown" results for Alexa data in case of "unpopular" domains.
26 Aug 2020: Fix for main page load speed. Ahrefs processing is restored, but processing is very slow and is available only through bulk processing.
25 Aug 2020: We replaced server that was the reason of "unknown" results and slow processing of API.
4 May 2020: Fixed problem with authorization on site (problem appears on weekend, API was not affected).
7 Apr 2020: Algorithm for Majestic processing was improved, processing going faster and with lower amount of "unknown" results.
18 Nov 2019: Starting from 18 of Nov price to "API to Majestic (getting data instantly)" will be 0.15 USD per 1000 urls.
7 Nov 2019: We started to accept Bitcoins.
4 Nov 2019: Little fixes for Ahrefs processing.